Domain Corporate services

Go one step further in managing and protecting your trademark on the Internet
Domain monitoring from €185/year
  • Control any action on domains related to your trademark
  • It is cheaper than registering all available domain extensions
  • Priority access to register new extensions
  • Avoids: identity theft, phishing, damage made to your image...
Protection against cybersquatting from €195/year
  • Avoid third parties registering domains with your trademark
  • Save up on the cost and managing time spent on registering all domains yourself
  • Protect your trademark against cybersquatting
  • A perfect complement to domain monitoring
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Domain Monitoring

There are hundreds of domain extensions and it is very complicated to control them all and prevent anyone from registering them, or damage made to your trademark. With this monitoring service you will feel safer because you will be alerted of any action in the domain world that is related to your trademark, and be able to react when there is still time.

This constant vigilance over your trademark has several clear benefits:

  • It is much cheaper than registering the trademark in all available extensions. Or trying to solve problems arising, for example, from trademark identity theft.
  • It includes priority access in the registration of all new extensions appearing on the market.
  • This helps to be aware of any activity related to your trademark and avoid problems that may arise: identity theft, phishing, damage made to your image...

This service is based on Trademark Clearing House (TMCH), which is a worldwide trademark database. It enables you to know if someone registers a domain associated with your trademark (it has to be registered).

How does the Monitoring work?

Your trademark will be registered with up to 10 possible combinations. If a user registers a domain resembling the trademark listed in the TMCH, they will receive a message warning about the rights to that trademark. If they decide to register the domain, the trademark owner will be informed that this domain has already been registered, in order to take action for its recovery, if it is necessary.

Moreover, the owner will be alerted if DNS servers are newly assigned to the domain, if there is any change made to the dns servers, or if the domain status is changed from "client hold" to another one.

Protection against cybersquatting

This service enables you to protect your trademark better on the Internet: preventing others from registering domains with your trademark, company name, product name or artist names. Some of the advantages this service can offer are:

  • Saving on the cost of registering each extension to prevent others from doing so.
  • It is a defence mechanism for your trademark because it prevents a third party from registering your domain.
  • It protects you against cybersquatting.

How does Protection against cybersquatting work?

Our experts work using a combination of tools that allow locking in different extensions. Depending on your needs and interests, we can block the registration of domains associated with your trademark in more or less extensions. Contact us and we will conduct a customised study. These are the tools we use in order to prevent anyone from registering your trademark domain in up to 300 extensions: AdultBlock, DPML or Uni EPS.

View the characteristics chart for more information

What it locks Requirements Extensions
AdultBlock The designation in 4 extensions.

Premium domains.

If a designation is already registered in an extension it is monitored and, when it is freed, it is automatically locked.

Optional: all its variations (homoglyphs or misspellings).

Optional: multilingual domains.

Optional: if the trademark is listed in TMCH, it includes all its labels.
Registered trademark, unregistered trademark, company name, trade name, product name or artist name. .xxx, .sex, .adult, .porn
DPML The exact trademark and its homoglyphs.

Optional: premium domains.

Optional: 3 combinations containing the trademark or topographical errors.
Brand / label listed in TMCH. 240 Donuts extensions such as: .chat, .cafe, .fan... (
Uni EPS Trademark and premium domains.

Optional: trademarks and all labels included in TMCH SMD file.

Optional: misspellings.
Trademark registered in TMCH. 23 extensions from Uniregistry: .click, .countr, gift, .help, .hiphop, .hiv, .games, .link, .sexy, .tattoo

Other Domain services you might be interested in

  • Domain Special procedures

    We help you obtain the domain you need: registration of premium domains, management of the purchase of domains already registered and domain recovery.

    See more

  • Geographical presence Domains

    Go one step further in managing and protecting your trademark online with our domain monitoring and blocking services.

    See more

We have been offering customised domain services for companies since 1996

Throughout the years, we have learnt how to carry out many operations, such as the sale of domains. This experience enables us to offer you the best service, and we make sure to have professionals available to take care of any management or procedure related to domains. All you need to do is contact us and explain the problem. We are always happy to help.

  • + 1,000 domain extensions

    We can provide you with any existing extension that you would like to register for your project.

  • + 700 thousand managed domains

    We are pleased to count with many clients satisfied in our management of their domains.

  • Always in touch 24/7

    We don't stop because neither does your project. We are at your service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

¿Qué piensan nuestros clientes?
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Que pensent nos clients?
O que pensam os nossos clientes?
GreatBienBomMuy Bueno
4.1 / 5 at Trustpilot sur Trustpilot em Trustpilot en Trustpilot
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  • 365 days 24 hours Because we know that your project doesn't have to wait, our experts are always available to help you.
  • In-house Call Center More than 400 people, passionate about technology and with continuous training, dedicated exclusively to solve your doubts and queries.
  • Continuous training We work hard to keep our agents informed of the latest technology to provide you with the highest quality in our responses.
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