SSL Certificates
ensures browsers consider your site secure.
For individuals or businesses |
Domain Validation (DV) |
Immediate availability (10 min.) |
Coverage insurance up to 500.000$ |
Secure and encrypted connection SHA-256 (2048-bit RSA) |
HTTPS installation and automatic redirection from the control panel |
Automatic renewal |
For businesses and organizations |
Domain and Organization Validation (OV) |
Available in 1 to 3 business days |
Coverage insurance up to 1.250.000$ |
Secure and encrypted connection SHA-256 (2048-bit RSA) |
HTTPS installation and automatic redirection from the control panel |
Automatic renewal |
Válido por 1 dominio
For businesses and organizations |
Extended Validation (EV) of domain and organization |
Available in 1 to 5 business days |
Coverage insurance up to 1.750.000$ |
Secure and encrypted connection SHA-256 (2048-bit RSA) |
HTTPS installation and automatic redirection from the control panel |
Automatic renewal |
What is a SSL Certificate?
SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a digital certificate used to authenticate the identity of a website and establish an encrypted connection between the browser and a website or server. Once this security protocol is installed on the server, the certificate activates the padlock and the https protocol to enable your visitors to check that your website is secure.
Reasons to install an SSL certificate
Create confidence in your clients
Clients only trust websites that have visible security elements: A URL that starts with https, from a known organisation, a lock on the search bar...
Good for SEO positioning
Search engines like Google are taking the presence of an SSL certificate more and more into account to determine the position.
The best quality seals
The quality of the certificates offered by Arsys is endorsed by Sectigo. Their experience and professionalism guarantee the best results.
Insurance coverage
All our paid SSL certificates include insurance coverage that guarantees your clients compensation in the event that they suffer any economic loss as a consequence of using a certificate wrongfully issued by the SSL issuer (Sectigo).
Automatic installation
You can automatically install all of our SSL Certificates on your web hosting account or download and install them on your servers.
Improve your sales
SSL certificates are fundamental for online sales businesses in which payment information is requested. Besides protecting sensitive information, you can improve your conversion rate with a certificate.
Intranet and applications
SSL certificates allow you to secure a coded connection so that user and client information (user names, passwords...) are secure.
With TrustLogo
This seal, which includes the validity date of your certificate, is usually placed in the left-hand margin of web pages which have an SSL certificate to increase their clients' trust. It does this by offering your visitors key and relevant information about the security measures you have implemented in your website to guarantee the security of their data.
Create confidence in your clients
Clients only trust websites that have visible security elements: A URL that starts with https, from a known organisation, a lock on the search bar...
Good for SEO positioning
Search engines like Google are taking the presence of an SSL certificate more and more into account to determine the position.
The best quality seals
The quality of the certificates offered by Arsys is endorsed by Sectigo. Their experience and professionalism guarantee the best results.
Insurance coverage
All our paid SSL certificates include insurance coverage that guarantees your clients compensation in the event that they suffer any economic loss as a consequence of using a certificate wrongfully issued by the SSL issuer (Sectigo).
Automatic installation
You can automatically install all of our SSL Certificates on your web hosting account or download and install them on your servers.
Improve your sales
SSL certificates are fundamental for online sales businesses in which payment information is requested. Besides protecting sensitive information, you can improve your conversion rate with a certificate.
Intranet and applications
SSL certificates allow you to secure a coded connection so that user and client information (user names, passwords...) are secure.
With TrustLogo
This seal, which includes the validity date of your certificate, is usually placed in the left-hand margin of web pages which have an SSL certificate to increase their clients' trust. It does this by offering your visitors key and relevant information about the security measures you have implemented in your website to guarantee the security of their data.
How can I know if my website has an SSL certificate>?
Website without SSL
A website that does not have the padlock symbol to the left of the web address does not have SSL. These sites do not guarantee a secure connection to users, especially regarding data transfer, user authentication, payments or user registration. Not having an SSL certificate installed damages the trademark’s image, and makes you lose visibility in search engines since it is listed as an unsecured website.
Safe website
The SSL certificate is active and correctly installed when the web address has a green padlock to the left. SSL is absolutely essential to offer encrypted communication with the HTTPS protocol, which provides greater security and trust to your website’s visitors.
Types of SSL Certificates
SSL with domain validation (DV)
https://domain-name.comThis type of certificate is recommended if you have a personal website or a blog. The data exchanged on your website will be encrypted, although the certificate only validates that the domain is actually yours.
SSL with domain and organisation validation (OV)
https://domain-name.comThis SSL is perfect if you manage data from your clients, because this certificate assures that your domain is yours and that your organisation actually exists. Furthermore, the data which your clients share with you (such as passwords) will travel with end-to-end encryption.
SSL with extended domain and organisation validation (EV)
Company name (ES) https://domainname.comIf you have an online shop, you will need this SSL certificate, seeing as it guarantees the authenticity of the website and the clients' data (such as credit card numbers and other payment details). Your clients will know that they can leave their data on your website because with this SSL, they will see a green padlock on the address bar of their browser.
How to get a free SSL certificate?
Our Hosting plans include SSL certificate. Depending on the type of hosting you choose, you can enjoy free SSL for the first year. SSL certificate is also included in the Online Shop or Webmaker contract to enable you to create your website or online shop with no complications.
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Frequently asked questions about SSL Certificate
How does an SSL certificate work?
The browser accesses the website to verify that it has an SSL certificate. Unique codes are exchanged between the browser and web server which will be used to decrypt or encrypt the data. At that moment, when the information’s encryption begins, the padlock appears showing that all data is transmitted securely.
How can I get a security certificate?
A certificate is an element of trust and therefore must be issued by a certifying entity, which will validate the documentation that you provide from your Control Panel. The required documentation for the processing of a digital certificate can vary according to the type of certificate.
How do I install a SSL Certificate on my domain?
If you have your domain stored on an Arsys Hosting Plan or Online Shop, you can install your certificate from the Control Panel of your SSL Certificate by simply pressing a button. The certificate can be downloaded from the Control Panel to be installed manually by the client in their own web server.
How long does the verification process take?
The standard certification process tends to take 2 business days. There are certificates like SSL DV by Sectigo that take much less time (only a few minutes). If the requester of a certificate has already obtained other certificates previously, the time period can be shorter.
The certification process to get an extended validation certification can be longer due to the additional verification requirements compared to the ones for the standard kind.
What is the difference between paid SSL certificates and SSL certificate which is included free with some Arsys products such as Hosting?
SSL certificate is a quick, simple and useful certificate. However, paid SSL certificates include many more advantages so that your clients will trust you that much more.
They include economic coverage that gives you compensation if there is an error in the certificate.
They have a “Dynamic Site Seal” which is a seal you can put on your website to show the validity date. This means that your clients can trust that your website is permanently secure.
They are valid for domains which include words from registered trademarks.
They validate the organisation (in the case of OV Instant SSL & OV Wildcard Instant SSL Wildcard) and they have extended validation (EV Instant SSL).
They are available for more than one sub-domain (in the case of DV y OV Wildcard Instant SSL).
What is the insurance coverage?
All our paid SSL certificates include insurance coverage that guarantees your clients compensation in the event that they suffer any economic loss as a consequence of using a certificate wrongfully issued by the SSL issuer (Sectigo).
What is the difference between an SSL certificate for a domain and one for various sub-domains?
Certificates for various sub-domains or Wildcards allow you to add a single SSL for all the sub-domains of your domain. Therefore, if you have various sub-domains, this option will be more cost-effective and more comfortably manageable (one certificate for the main domain and four for sub-domains, for example).
SSL certificate security certificates for shared Cloudwebs
With this certificate from Sectigo you can encrypt the information you exchange with your clients (in payment gateways, intranet access, forms, etc.). This means that you not only ensure that browsers such as Chrome and Firefox rate you as secure but that you will gain more trust from your clients.
What is the billing period for SSL?
SSL certificates are billed on a yearly basis.
How is a SSL certificate billed?
You choose the form of payment which best adapts to your needs: bank transfer (which means we will also require an account number to which we will automatically charge any future renewal invoices) or credit card (which will also be used for renewals).
What services should I purchase with Arsys in order to install a security certificate?
The SSL can be installed on any Arsys Hosting and Online Shop Plan, as well as on Servers. You can purchase a SSL to download and install on any part.
How the SSL Certificate promotion work?
The SSL Certificates promotions that you might find at Arsys apply to the first year of subscription with a special price, the renewal of the SSL Certificate past the first year will be done using the usual price. Unless otherwise indicated in the promotion conditions, the promotion does not apply to extras or additional resources.