

VPS, Dedicated and Cloud Servers: technology without complications

Easy to use, fast deployment, no hidden costs and 24/7 support in Spanish.
VPS Your virtual private server with maximum performance for all your projects and complete security.
Virtual Servers
Dedicated Your Cloud server with maximum flexibility and scalability. With free and unlimited transfer.
Dedicated Servers
Cloud You will have a dedicated server on demand with the most advanced hardware and pay-as-you-go pricing.
Cloud Servers
¿Qué dicen nuestros clientes?
What do our customers say?
Que disent nos clients?
O que dizem os nossos clientes?
GreatBienBomMuy Bueno
4.1 / 5 atchezemen Trustpilot

Advantages of Arsys servers

  • Simplicity

    With an intuitive control panel for easy deployment and management of your server infrastructure.

  • Performance

    The latest technology, SSD, NVMe, Intel Skylake and VMware storage in our TIER III certified data centres.

  • Flexibility

    Select the resources you need for your server and scale to suit your workloads at any time.

  • No hidden costs

    We provide you with a transparent pricing model, so you always know what you will pay.

  • Free support in Spanish

    Any time of day, any day of the week. Our experts are constantly working to provide you with the best quality answers for the success of your project.

  • Cloud Partner

    Enjoy significant benefits for being our Partner: discounts of up to 30% and up to €4,400 in credit to develop your projects.

At EscuelaIT we use Arsys and we recommend it to our students, particularly its cloud services: that are very complete and above all easy to use.
Miguel Ángel Álvarez

Escuela IT Founder

Reasons why thousands of customers choose us

We are pioneers in Cloud Computing and we work every day to offer you the most advanced technology and to simplify the management of your infrastructure

  • 30 seconds

    Discover how easy it is to deploy and manage your infrastructure with our intuitive control panel. View demo

  • 99.98% availability

    You will have the latest generation technology available to guarantee the performance and availability of your services.

  • Data Tansfer Up to 1 Gbps

    Enjoy high-capacity bandwidth, allowing you to deploy the most demanding applications.

  • Unlimited changes

    We offer you flexible and scalable servers that adapt immediately to your workload.

  • 11 locations

    Your servers are stored in our Tier III certified data centres in Spain and Europe.

  • In less than 1 minute

    We are committed to answering your queries over the phone in less than 1 minute. In fact, 9 out of 10 customers are so satisfied with our service that they would recommend our technical support.

Arsys Data Centres around the world

Where do you want to host your server?

Every project has a need and complying with the data protection regulations of each country is an obligation. At Arsys you can decide which data centre you want to host your project in: Spain, Germany, United Kingdom and United States. All our data centres are equipped with the most rigorous security measures and hold important security certifications. Because, for us, what matters is your project.

  • Las Vegas (USA)
  • London (UK)
  • Karlsruhe (Germany)
  • Logroño (Spain)
  • Frankfurt (Germany)
  • Kansas City (USA)
  • Madrid (Spain)
  • Berlin (Germany)
  • Miami (USA)
  • Niederlauterbach (France)
  • Linz (Austria)
  • Gloucester (UK)
  • Baden-Baden (Germany)
  • Piaseczno (Poland)
Arsys Data Centres

Future and Sustainability

Our commitment to the environment starts in our data centres. We work every day to improve our sustainability indicators. Thanks to this we have received ISO 50001 certification due to our energy efficiency and minimisation of greenhouse gas emissions. In addition, our energy supply comes from 100% renewable sources and agreements with companies for the reuse or destruction in recycling centres of all the waste generated by our activity.

¿Qué piensan nuestros clientes?
What do our customers think?
Que pensent nos clients?
O que pensam os nossos clientes?
GreatBienBomMuy Bueno
4.1 / 5 at Trustpilot sur Trustpilot em Trustpilot en Trustpilot
  • Arsys. Servicio perfecto en InternetDesde hace muchos años soy cliente profesional de Arsys. La perfecta atención que nos dan en todos y cada uno de sus departamentos, comercial, técnico, facturación, etc y la simplicidad al máximo de los productos en la plataforma de acceso nos hace aconsejar la contratación de sus servicios. Son los mejores en España. Marco Antonio González25/03/2025
  • ExcelenteExcelente, completa y eficaz información. Desafortunadamente se cortó la transmisión al final cuando estaban pasando información importante. Muchas gracias. Bendiciones y Exitos.Henry Ibarra Pino25/03/2025
  • El servicio al cliente de Arsys ha…El servicio al cliente de Arsys ha demostrado ser excepcional en cada interacción. Los asesores, con su conocimiento y paciencia, han resuelto mis inquietudes de manera eficiente y cordial. Su atención personalizada y disposición para ayudar han superado mis expectativas, convirtiéndolos en los mejores profesionales que he tenido el placer de conocer.Antonio24/03/2025
  • Buenas experiencia apoyos y ayudasBuenas experiencia apoyos y ayudasQuini F A21/03/2025
  • amplia gama de productos y serviciosamplia gama de productos y servicios, muy buena atención telefónica.lluis20/03/2025
  • Llevo 10 años con Arsys y siempre me…Llevo 10 años con Arsys y siempre me han atendido de manera excelente en soporte técnico. Es empresa española lo cual me transmite confiabilidad. Ofrece la máxima calidad en sus productos.nuevo cliente19/03/2025
  • Arsys: Modelo de servicio y amabilidadArsys es un modelo de servicio impecable a cualquier hora, cualquier dia y siempre con amabilidadALFONSO16/03/2025
  • Información clara y útilInformación clara y útil. GraciasJeanelie Urbina13/03/2025
  • Inspiración y aplicabilidadUna vez más la información recibida es, además de experta y candente, muy inspiradora y de aplicación.M&E Excelencia Mutua13/03/2025
  • Serios y profesionalesSiempre que necesito su atención y servicios recibo un trato muy profesional. La paciencia y amabilidad es uno de sus activos mas valiosos. yo10/03/2025
  • ProfesionalesProfesionales, Atentos, pacientes un 10JM SEVILLA08/03/2025
  • Gran explicación del storytellingMuy interesante. Es el mejor webinar que ha dado Chus Catalina de los que yo he visto Sólo falta que ahora la IA hace muchas de las cosas que ha contado. Juan Jiménez - Hapana Matata06/03/2025
  • Atención al Cliente de 10!Atención al Cliente de 10 me ayudaron en todas mis dudas.Ana05/03/2025
  • Atención al cliente muy buenaTienen servicio de atención al cliente muy, muy bueno. Tanto por email como telefónico. juan angel larumbe04/03/2025
  • Client depuis de nombreuses année…Client depuis de nombreuses année également chez et maintenant, la migration a été trés facilement réalisée grace au service support qui nous a apporté leur aide la plus complète.Dominique20/02/2025
  • Cumple con nuestras espectativasCumple con nuestras espectativasAntonio Oliva11/02/2025
  • Atención rápida y claraAtención rápida y claraJagar11/02/2025
  • atencio i eficaciaatencio i eficacia Andreu08/02/2025
  • La atención telefónica sensacional me…La atención telefónica sensacional me atendieron tres personas Alicia, Carlota y un señor del que no recuerdo el nombre. EnhorabuenaJosé Rafael07/02/2025
  • Porque aunPorque aunque ahora solo mantengo el dominio con los correos electrónicos;ya los elegimos para que nuestros clientes tuvieran una transferencia de datos fácil de acceder.Jo07/02/2025
Do you want us to call you?

Complete this form and we will call you without obligation. You can also contact us by email.

  • 365 days 24 hours Because we know that your project doesn't have to wait, our experts are always available to help you.
  • In-house Call Center More than 400 people, passionate about technology and with continuous training, dedicated exclusively to solve your doubts and queries.
  • Continuous training We work hard to keep our agents informed of the latest technology to provide you with the highest quality in our responses.
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Frequently Asked Questions about Servers

  • What is a server?

    A server is a very powerful computer or computer partition that is responsible for storing files and distributing them on the Internet so that they are accessible to users. They are fully active in order to ensure resources are available to the user through a network.

  • Which server should I choose?

    Among our content on which server to choose, you will discover in detail the types of servers that we offer at Arsys and which one best suits your needs. If after watching this video, you are still unsure about which server model is best for you, we recommend you use our virtual server assistant.

  • Server or shared hosting?

    The following are some situations in which it may be preferable to work on your own server, rather than with shared hosting:

    • If you are using specific languages or libraries: such as back-end languages that go beyond the standard or more advanced third-party libraries and need more detailed configuration or requirements.
    • If you need to upload large files.
    • When working in the background, large jobs are usually sent to a queue that executes them in due time.
    • When a specific work flow is made for a project.
    • For pipeline installation.
    • When domains require many resources to ensure optimal project speed.
  • Can I change server if my needs change?

    Arsys servers are perfect for hosting professional websites or online shops, developing new applications, databases... You just have to choose the server that best suits your online project. In addition, in case you need more resources, you can always scale the servers by paying only for the resources used. You will also be able to switch to a higher performing server at any time.

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