Cloudwebs: Hosting for Resellers

Create your own hosting plans and
get more resources only when you need them.
From 45€/month
90€/mes/month/mês/mois 45€/mes el primer año/month first year/mês o primeiro ano/mois la première année
  • Create your plans on the Arsys hosting platform
  • :
  • :
  • :
  • Shared RAM
  • NEW Free 5GB Email Backup
  • Unlimited transfer
  • Free Mail Migrator
  • SSL certificate included
250€/mes/month/mês/mois 125€/mes el primer año/month first year/mês o primeiro ano/mois la première année
  • Create your plans within a server with dedicated hardware resources
  • Hardware:
  • Database:
  • :
  • :
  • Dedicated RAM
  • NEW Free 5GB Email Backup
  • Unlimited transfer
  • Free Mail Migrator
  • 100 Mbps Conectivity
on a Plesk Server
30 days free then 11€/month
See more
  • WHMCS is a software solution that allows you to automate the resale of hosting services and domains.
  • Through its administrative platform, you can manage services and customers with everything you need to become a web reseller.
Features Shared CloudWebs Dedicated CloudWebs
Hardware resources Shared Dedicated
Control Panels with your brand
Configure your hosting plans
Multiversion PHP, MySQL, SQL
Flexible scaling
Managed by Arsys
Unlimited subdomains
Customised DNS servers - Complete management
Access without www. (SEO friendly)
Independent Email service - 8 GB per mailbox
Safe access and sending SSL/TLS (POP3 / IMAP4 / SMTP / Webmail)
Exchange Mailboxes Optional (From €2/month per mailbox) Optional (From €2/month per mailbox)
Email Backup 5 GB Free (see other packages) 5 GB Free (see other packages)
Mail Migrator
Data Transfer unlimited unlimited
Automatic reply
Catch-all Account
Redirections and aliases unlimited unlimited
DKIM, DMARC and SPF entries
Spam filter
Advanced filter Optional (€10/month)
Spanish IP. SEO friendly
File management, independent per domain: by FTP access and from the Control Panel
Stats on usage and access to log files
Management of directory permissions
Virtual directories
Dedicated IP per domain Optional Optional
SSL security certificate SSL certificate included. (SSL Certificates) Optional
Databases and Programming
MySQL Unlimited 1 GB MySQL databases As many as you need within your disk space quota
Database cloning and updating
User and permission management on MySQL
IP restriction of MySQL
PHP, Perl, Python
Directives .htaccess, Mod rewrite, Compiled Executable Files
SSI, MIME Types, JQuery
And furthermore
30-day guarantee
24/7 Support
See all features
¿Qué dicen nuestros clientes?
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Que disent nos clients?
O que dizem os nossos clientes?
GreatBienBomMuy Bueno
4.1 / 5 atchezemen Trustpilot

Cloudwebs: Hosting for Resellers

  • United management for your websites

    With CloudWebs you will always have control over your consumption and expense. You will have one location to centralise the management of all of your websites.

  • Shared or dedicated resources

    You can choose to host your plans on the Arsys hosting platform (Cloudwebs Shared) or, if you have high performance needs, on a server with dedicated hardware resources (Cloudwebs Dedicated).

  • Pay only for what you use

    Month to month, according to what you actually consume you will always have control over your consumption and expense. You will have one location to centralise the management of all of your websites.

  • Plenty of resources for when you need them

    If your web space, mailboxes, or website needs change, on CloudWebs you can increase or reduce each resource independently according to your needs.

  • No obligation to stay

    Create your projects with Arsys' CloudWebs If you wish to not continue with us, you can cancel it with no questions or penalties.

  • Complete Security

    Our Data Center is equipped with IPS-IDS machines to filter undesired attacks and intrusions, Firewall to stop unauthorised attacks and WAF to protect attacks on the web server.

  • SEO friendly

    Our Data Center is located in Spain and our hosting uses Spanish IP addresses. The search engines prioritise the results for the pages in the same country that the searches are performed in. For that reason, hosting your CloudWebs projects with Arsys is good for your website's SEO.

  • With your own brand

    Customise your customers' control panels (corporate logo, style and colours). You can even customise the names of the DNS servers of the domains to reinforce your brand as a reseller.

Multi-domain hosting for professionals

  • Hosting for Resellers

    You can now manage your websites from the same Control Panel.

  • Personalised Panel and DNS

    Customise your clients' control panels (corporate trademark, style and colours). You can even customise the names of the domain DNS servers to reinforce your brand name.

  • SSL certificate security certificates for shared Cloudwebs

    With this certificate from DigiCert you can encrypt the information you exchange with your clients (in payment gateways, intranet access, forms, etc.). This means that you not only ensure that browsers such as Chrome and Firefox rate you as secure but that you will gain more trust from your clients.

  • PHP Configuration and Performance

    With Arsys reseller hosting you have the freedom to define and change the number of processes, along with the values of the most common PHP parameters. This way you can optimise your web performance. All you have to do is modify the php.ini file using a simple interface available in your hosting control panel. This will allow you to modify, for example, the upload size (upload_max_filesize), the memory limit (memory_limit) or the execution time (max_execution_time).

  • Freedom to develop

    On the superior hosting plans Arsys offers, amongst other resources, the most used programming languages like Phyton, Perl and PHP, MySQL databases and the ability to manage htaccess.

  • Hybrid Email

    The Arsys Email Platform is the only one capable of offering a Hybrid Email service from Spain, allowing you to create and have Standard and Exchange mailboxes for the same domain, and automatically convert them from one into another from the Control Panel. In this way, you can provide Exchange functionality to the mailboxes that need it at any time without having to do this for all of the mailboxes, which optimises costs.

  • Domain Reseller

    Our Multidomain Management tool is the perfect combination of Cloudwebs to offer your customers a complete hosting and customised domain package.

¿Qué piensan nuestros clientes?
What do our customers think?
Que pensent nos clients?
O que pensam os nossos clientes?
GreatBienBomMuy Bueno
4.1 / 5 at Trustpilot sur Trustpilot em Trustpilot en Trustpilot
  • Arsys. Servicio perfecto en InternetDesde hace muchos años soy cliente profesional de Arsys. La perfecta atención que nos dan en todos y cada uno de sus departamentos, comercial, técnico, facturación, etc y la simplicidad al máximo de los productos en la plataforma de acceso nos hace aconsejar la contratación de sus servicios. Son los mejores en España. Marco Antonio González25/03/2025
  • ExcelenteExcelente, completa y eficaz información. Desafortunadamente se cortó la transmisión al final cuando estaban pasando información importante. Muchas gracias. Bendiciones y Exitos.Henry Ibarra Pino25/03/2025
  • El servicio al cliente de Arsys ha…El servicio al cliente de Arsys ha demostrado ser excepcional en cada interacción. Los asesores, con su conocimiento y paciencia, han resuelto mis inquietudes de manera eficiente y cordial. Su atención personalizada y disposición para ayudar han superado mis expectativas, convirtiéndolos en los mejores profesionales que he tenido el placer de conocer.Antonio24/03/2025
  • Buenas experiencia apoyos y ayudasBuenas experiencia apoyos y ayudasQuini F A21/03/2025
  • amplia gama de productos y serviciosamplia gama de productos y servicios, muy buena atención telefónica.lluis20/03/2025
  • Llevo 10 años con Arsys y siempre me…Llevo 10 años con Arsys y siempre me han atendido de manera excelente en soporte técnico. Es empresa española lo cual me transmite confiabilidad. Ofrece la máxima calidad en sus productos.nuevo cliente19/03/2025
  • Arsys: Modelo de servicio y amabilidadArsys es un modelo de servicio impecable a cualquier hora, cualquier dia y siempre con amabilidadALFONSO16/03/2025
  • Información clara y útilInformación clara y útil. GraciasJeanelie Urbina13/03/2025
  • Inspiración y aplicabilidadUna vez más la información recibida es, además de experta y candente, muy inspiradora y de aplicación.M&E Excelencia Mutua13/03/2025
  • Serios y profesionalesSiempre que necesito su atención y servicios recibo un trato muy profesional. La paciencia y amabilidad es uno de sus activos mas valiosos. yo10/03/2025
  • ProfesionalesProfesionales, Atentos, pacientes un 10JM SEVILLA08/03/2025
  • Gran explicación del storytellingMuy interesante. Es el mejor webinar que ha dado Chus Catalina de los que yo he visto Sólo falta que ahora la IA hace muchas de las cosas que ha contado. Juan Jiménez - Hapana Matata06/03/2025
  • Atención al Cliente de 10!Atención al Cliente de 10 me ayudaron en todas mis dudas.Ana05/03/2025
  • Atención al cliente muy buenaTienen servicio de atención al cliente muy, muy bueno. Tanto por email como telefónico. juan angel larumbe04/03/2025
  • Client depuis de nombreuses année…Client depuis de nombreuses année également chez et maintenant, la migration a été trés facilement réalisée grace au service support qui nous a apporté leur aide la plus complète.Dominique20/02/2025
  • Cumple con nuestras espectativasCumple con nuestras espectativasAntonio Oliva11/02/2025
  • Atención rápida y claraAtención rápida y claraJagar11/02/2025
  • atencio i eficaciaatencio i eficacia Andreu08/02/2025
  • La atención telefónica sensacional me…La atención telefónica sensacional me atendieron tres personas Alicia, Carlota y un señor del que no recuerdo el nombre. EnhorabuenaJosé Rafael07/02/2025
  • Porque aunPorque aunque ahora solo mantengo el dominio con los correos electrónicos;ya los elegimos para que nuestros clientes tuvieran una transferencia de datos fácil de acceder.Jo07/02/2025
Do you want us to call you?

Complete this form and we will call you without obligation. You can also contact us by email.

  • 365 days 24 hours Because we know that your project doesn't have to wait, our experts are always available to help you.
  • In-house Call Center More than 400 people, passionate about technology and with continuous training, dedicated exclusively to solve your doubts and queries.
  • Continuous training We work hard to keep our agents informed of the latest technology to provide you with the highest quality in our responses.
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Frequently asked questions about Cloudwebs

  • What is Cloudwebs?

    This is our most advanced shared hosting product for those users that need to store a higher number of websites.

  • Who is this product designed for?

    This is a product designed for web agencies, developers that manage many websites and hosting distributors and resellers. It has a high number of websites with a wide variety of resources at a very low price.

    Personalised control panels, tailored storage product design and DNS personalisation make this an ideal product for resale with complete transparency. Your users can enjoy the advantages of a quality host. Arsys' presence is completely hidden at all times.

  • What are hosting plans?

    With Cloudwebs, you can define your own tailored hosting products to offer them to your customers: hosting plans. Through Cloudwebs' Control Panel, you can configure different hosting plans and establish the following parameters for each one (name of the plan, operating system, number of mailboxes, etc.). Cloudwebs has two control panel levels:

    • A control panel for the service's administrator
    • Control panels for all purchased hosting plans
  • How to become a hosting reseller?

    All you need to do is apply the Cloudwebs plan that best suits your project's needs. Once you are familiar with the Arsys control panel, you will only need to promote your reseller hosting to attract potential customers.

  • What is Multi-domain Hosting?

    This is a reseller hosting that enables you to host several independent websites on the same hosting. Therefore, with only one hosting plan, you will be able to manage several domains. This way you will be able to unify all your domains’ information.

  • So, why choose our Multi-domain hosting?

    • Greater comfort. You will be able to manage all your websites from a single control panel, with special modules to manage different projects.
    • Absolute control. In a simple glance, you can know the resources used by each and every website you manage. And since it is flexible, if you have unused resources, you can reduce or increase them according to your needs.
    • Shared and scalable customised resources. Multi-domain plans have resources that can be spread across all websites and increased only when it is needed. Investment is optimised, with no underused resources.
    • Real and flexible control over your hosting investment. You can know at all times, exactly what you are investing in the IT infrastructure you need. And with a flexible, monthly billing solution such as Cloudwebs, you can adjust your investment to your work pace, with no obligation to stay.
    • Planned costs. All this unified information allows you to plan your business’ costs and the scalability of each project better.
    • Your own hosting brand. In hosting solutions for resellers, such as Cloudwebs, you can easily customise hosting plans using different resources and allow the end customer access to customised panels with your own corporate image. You can also draw up your own commercial hosting policy, according to the service levels you provide on our infrastructure (consultancy, updates, etc.).
    • No initial investment. Multi-domain hosting plans have no setup fees and are paid monthly, so there is no need to make a large upfront investment.
  • What happens if I need more resources than I contracted at the beginning?

    If at any time you need to change the resources you've got contracted on your Coudwebs, just access your Client Area and modify them.

    If you increase the number of websites and/or mailboxes, you'll receive a one-off invoice for these new resources for the days remaining until the monthly billing of your Cloudwebs. If you keep these resources, you will be sent a consolidated invoice for everything that you have contracted at that time.

    For web space, since your consumption is measured at the beginning of the month, you will be sent a full invoice that relates to the amount for that extra space for that entire month.

  • What about if I need less resources?

    No problem. You can rectify your Cloudweb resources from your Client Area whenever you wish. You may not reduce resources if you are using resources (websites and/or mailboxes). In the following consolidated invoice you will see the contracted resources are now reduced and how you are not billed for the eliminated resources.

  • What happens if I exceed the web space I have contracted?

    There's no need to worry if you have purchased dedicated Cloudwebs, as it is impossible to surpass the contracted limit. For shared Cloudwebs, you can control space consumption by programming alerts or expanding contracted resources that same month. Nevertheless, if you exceed the disk space included, you will only be charged for the excess disk space occupied: €10/month for each GB (1GB minimum blocks).

  • How is Cloudwebs billed?

    It is billed monthly. For example, if you purchased the service on 14th March, Cloudwebs will be renewed on the 14th of the following months.

  • Is there a fixed-term contract period?

    There is no fixed-term contract period. You can deactivate Cloudwebs whenever you wish from your Client Area.

  • How does the 30-day guarantee period work?

    If you have tried your Cloudwebs and it didn't meet your expectations, you can cancel in the next 30 days from your purchase and we will return your money. No obligation to stay, no questions asked.

  • How are prices by volume calculated?

    In Cloudwebs, the more resources you purchase, the better the price. In your Client Area you'll always find the price that has been applied to you in line with the number of resources you've accumulated.


    • Cloudwebs includes 30 domains by default
    • Between 30 and 50 domains -> €2/domain
    • Between 51 and 100 domains -> €1.50/domain
    • Between 101 and 229 domains -> €0.75/domain
    • Unlimited domains -> €150/month


    • Cloudwebs includes 800 mailboxes by default
    • Between 800 and 1,000 mailboxes -> €15/50 mailboxes
    • Between 1,001 and 5,000 mailboxes -> €10/50 mailboxes
    • More than 5,001 mailboxes -> €8/50 mailboxes

    Disk space (only on Shared Cloudwebs):

    • Cloudwebs includes 20 GB by default
    • Between 20 and 50 GB-> €3/GB
    • Between 51 and 100 GB-> €2/GB
    • Between 101 and 200 GB-> 1 €/GB
    • Over 201 GB-> €0.5/GB
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