Dedicated Server

With the most advanced hardware and 24/7 support in Spanish

Dedicated Servers on demand
and on a pay-per-use basis.

You will enjoy unlimited free traffic and 1Gbps. Starts up in minutes.
Try it for 30 days free

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Why are Arsys’s Dedicated Servers different?

  • Hybrid environment management

    The management panel of our Dedicated Servers allows you to combine the best aspects of dedicated hardware with the best of the cloud. You can therefore combine your dedicated infrastructure with Cloud Servers, interconnect them and upsize or downsize on demand, depending on the needs of your project.

  • Easier and quicker

    You can have your server up and running in minutes. Thanks to a powerful and intuitive dashboard, you can manage your servers very easily. Furthermore, there are various images that can be used to install, with just one click, multiple operating systems, databases and other management applications.

  • Backup Service

    Your project information is very important. That's why we offer a system that makes backups of your platform in a simple and flexible way from any device.

  • Total availability

    At Arsys we have uninterrupted power supplies and all the critical elements have redundancy measures, guaranteeing that recovery from any possible faults occurs in seconds.

  • Plesk Panel with unlimited domains

    Plesk Planel on Dedicated Servers so that you can manage your domains and hosting with the best user experience.

  • Operating Systems

    Included with your Dedicated Server, at no additional cost, are the following Linux operating systems: Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS, CoreOS, Arch Linux, OpenSuse. As well as the latest versions of Windows.

  • Intuitive control panel

    Thanks to our simple and intuitive panel you can manage your Dedicated Servers with a multitude of options such as combining the dedicated infrastructure contracted with Cloud Servers, connecting them together, and increasing or decreasing the resources on demand, according to the needs of the project.

  • Maximum performance

    Our Dedicated Servers guarantee the robustness and performance that your project needs. They feature advanced hardware such as Intel Skylake and Rocket Lake processors, SSD or NVMe storage and more.

  • State-of-the-art security

    That's why our high-performance Data Centres are equipped with the best monitoring tools including IPS-IDS protection, advanced redundant firewalls and more. This enables us to guarantee total availability of information at all times, and we offer you a backup service for your servers/data that can be easily and flexibly purchased from any device.

  • Flexibility and freedom

    With our Dedicated Server you enjoy flexibility and freedom to install software or add additional features (shared storage, firewall policies, backups, monitoring, balancers, IPv4/IPv6, VPN etc.). You have unlimited root access and VNC console to ensure you have full control over your data. This makes it perfect for any kind of project.

Advanced network and security configurations for Dedicated Servers

  • Protecting your service

    You will have a perimeter firewall to protect your services. As well as protection against denial of service(DDoS) attacks.

  • Personalised resources

    Connect your servers internally to private networks, with secure access to your servers via SSL VPN. You can also configure load balancers to distribute the traffic of your HTTP/HTTPS services among several servers. Or add the public IPs you need. You will have IPv6 public IPs available free of charge.

  • In our data centres

    Worldwide, they are high-performance and feature the best monitoring, IPS-IDS protection, the most advanced redundant firewalls and backup services. We have achieved the most demanding security and privacy certifications in the market (ISO 27001:2013, ISO 9001 and Tier 3).

When should you use a dedicated server?

  • Solutions for all types of businesses

    If you want to enjoy better management of your business, you can use our Dedicated Servers’ software applications. They are not only designed for large companies, but are also an indispensable tool for start-ups and small businesses.

  • Virtualisation on dedicated servers

    If your project has complex requirements, it is advisable to deploy them on dedicated servers and pay only for the resources you use. Virtualisation with our Dedicated Servers offers you great advantages: 1 Gbps bandwidth, floating IP, NFS/CIFS storage etc.

  • If your project requires high performance

    Dedicated servers are necessary when your project needs more storage space capacity or when processing needs are higher. This allows applications to perform calculations, providing better resource efficiency. Application examples: big data tasks,game servers etc.

Dedicated Servers

All you need with our Dedicated Servers

  • The best brands

    Our Dedicated Servers are always brand leaders that guarantee the robustness and performance that your project needs. They also include the most advanced hardware, with the latest Intel Xeon processors and SSD or NVMe storage (both optional).

  • Connectivity

    Your dedicated servers have a bandwidth of 1Gbps for both internal traffic and outgoing internet traffic. Furthermore, you will get advanced connectivity services with load balancers, additional public IPs and firewalls.

  • 24x7 free support in Spanish

    You have complete control of your dedicated servers through the Control Panel and your Client Area. If you need help at any time, don't hesitate to contact us. You have highly qualified technicians available. In Spanish, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

  • Free unlimited data transfer

    No need to worry about data consumption. The service includes all data transfer, both incoming and outgoing. With the highest speed and at no extra cost.

  • Total control of your servers

    In your dedicated servers, we include an intuitive Control Panel completely free of charge, which is accessible via the web. It allows you to manage your servers very easily. You can restart them at any time, administer them, monitor their status and that of all their resources in real time, establish thresholds and alerts. You can also manage your server remotely by accessing it through the VNC console. If you prefer, we also offer the possibility of delegating the server administration to our experts.

  • Advanced Solutions

    At Arsys, we have a line of business that is specifically geared towards businesses that require tailored solutions and therefore collaboration and consultation on the design of the required solutions. And if necessary, we can also offer you advanced implementation services to help you with the deployment and configuration of certain settings, total management of your platform or differentiated support with dedicated personnel.

30 days free

Try our new Dedicated Servers absolutely Free right now

You get 30 days free from the moment you contract the service, so you can launch your servers and check their performance, functionality and ease of use. No initial payment and no fixed term contract.

After these 30 free trial days, you will start to be charged for the services you are using - it is a pay-per-use model. Payments are made monthly, based on the hours of use of each of the resources.

In our demo you can try out a real control panel before you buy it
(user: 03b00129.demo, password: Arsys*D3mo).

See promotion terms and conditions

¿Qué piensan nuestros clientes?
What do our customers think?
Que pensent nos clients?
O que pensam os nossos clientes?
GreatBienBomMuy Bueno
4.1 / 5 at Trustpilot sur Trustpilot em Trustpilot en Trustpilot
  • Arsys. Servicio perfecto en InternetDesde hace muchos años soy cliente profesional de Arsys. La perfecta atención que nos dan en todos y cada uno de sus departamentos, comercial, técnico, facturación, etc y la simplicidad al máximo de los productos en la plataforma de acceso nos hace aconsejar la contratación de sus servicios. Son los mejores en España. Marco Antonio González25/03/2025
  • ExcelenteExcelente, completa y eficaz información. Desafortunadamente se cortó la transmisión al final cuando estaban pasando información importante. Muchas gracias. Bendiciones y Exitos.Henry Ibarra Pino25/03/2025
  • El servicio al cliente de Arsys ha…El servicio al cliente de Arsys ha demostrado ser excepcional en cada interacción. Los asesores, con su conocimiento y paciencia, han resuelto mis inquietudes de manera eficiente y cordial. Su atención personalizada y disposición para ayudar han superado mis expectativas, convirtiéndolos en los mejores profesionales que he tenido el placer de conocer.Antonio24/03/2025
  • Buenas experiencia apoyos y ayudasBuenas experiencia apoyos y ayudasQuini F A21/03/2025
  • amplia gama de productos y serviciosamplia gama de productos y servicios, muy buena atención telefónica.lluis20/03/2025
  • Llevo 10 años con Arsys y siempre me…Llevo 10 años con Arsys y siempre me han atendido de manera excelente en soporte técnico. Es empresa española lo cual me transmite confiabilidad. Ofrece la máxima calidad en sus productos.nuevo cliente19/03/2025
  • Arsys: Modelo de servicio y amabilidadArsys es un modelo de servicio impecable a cualquier hora, cualquier dia y siempre con amabilidadALFONSO16/03/2025
  • Información clara y útilInformación clara y útil. GraciasJeanelie Urbina13/03/2025
  • Inspiración y aplicabilidadUna vez más la información recibida es, además de experta y candente, muy inspiradora y de aplicación.M&E Excelencia Mutua13/03/2025
  • Serios y profesionalesSiempre que necesito su atención y servicios recibo un trato muy profesional. La paciencia y amabilidad es uno de sus activos mas valiosos. yo10/03/2025
  • ProfesionalesProfesionales, Atentos, pacientes un 10JM SEVILLA08/03/2025
  • Gran explicación del storytellingMuy interesante. Es el mejor webinar que ha dado Chus Catalina de los que yo he visto Sólo falta que ahora la IA hace muchas de las cosas que ha contado. Juan Jiménez - Hapana Matata06/03/2025
  • Atención al Cliente de 10!Atención al Cliente de 10 me ayudaron en todas mis dudas.Ana05/03/2025
  • Atención al cliente muy buenaTienen servicio de atención al cliente muy, muy bueno. Tanto por email como telefónico. juan angel larumbe04/03/2025
  • Client depuis de nombreuses année…Client depuis de nombreuses année également chez et maintenant, la migration a été trés facilement réalisée grace au service support qui nous a apporté leur aide la plus complète.Dominique20/02/2025
  • Cumple con nuestras espectativasCumple con nuestras espectativasAntonio Oliva11/02/2025
  • Atención rápida y claraAtención rápida y claraJagar11/02/2025
  • atencio i eficaciaatencio i eficacia Andreu08/02/2025
  • La atención telefónica sensacional me…La atención telefónica sensacional me atendieron tres personas Alicia, Carlota y un señor del que no recuerdo el nombre. EnhorabuenaJosé Rafael07/02/2025
  • Porque aunPorque aunque ahora solo mantengo el dominio con los correos electrónicos;ya los elegimos para que nuestros clientes tuvieran una transferencia de datos fácil de acceder.Jo07/02/2025
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Complete this form and we will call you without obligation. You can also contact us by email.

  • 365 days 24 hours Because we know that your project doesn't have to wait, our experts are always available to help you.
  • In-house Call Center More than 400 people, passionate about technology and with continuous training, dedicated exclusively to solve your doubts and queries.
  • Continuous training We work hard to keep our agents informed of the latest technology to provide you with the highest quality in our responses.
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Frequently Asked Questions about Dedicated Servers

  • What is a dedicated server?

    Dedicated servers are on physical machines and completely independent. The main advantage is that the server can be accessed by a single client who will have access to all the physical resources of the machine. In addition, dedicated servers have a high level of computing power.

  • Which dedicated server should I choose for my project?

    Depending on the needs of your project, you can opt for the most appropriate type of dedicated server. We allow you to choose the Bare Metal Dedicated Server model according to the RAM memory, storage space or processor that best suits your project. In addition, our Dedicated Servers stand out for their 1 Gbps bandwidth and unlimited free traffic.

  • Do I have root access to my servers?

    Of course. You have complete access to the servers on your Dedicated Server. Unlimited root access provides you with maximum flexibility and total control over your data. In addition, you also have access via the VNC console. However, if you ever need any help or guidance, our experts will be available to help you manage your Dedicated Server.

  • What operating systems are available?

    We offer the following operating systems: Windows Server 2019, Windows Server 2022 and the latest versions of CentOS, CoreOS, Archi Linux, Debian, Ubuntu, openSUSE.

  • Can I install any software I want on my Dedicated Server?

    Of course. Since you have root access to your Dedicated Server, you can install any software you want.

  • Can I use Plesk with my Dedicated Server?

    Yes. You can install a version of Plesk Unlimited Domains for an additional fee of 5€/month. Plesk provides an easy-to-use web interface that enables you to optimise server management, as well as a large number of administrative tools.

  • Can I virtualise on my server using a hypervisor?

    Yes. You can build your own private cloud with our Dedicated Servers and hypervisor installation. In our Cloud dashboard you will find everything you need for a complete management of your infrastructure: public and private networks, IPv6/IPv6 subnets, NFS/CIFS storage etc.

  • Can I restart my Dedicated Server whenever I want?

    Yes. You can restart your Dedicated Server from your Client Area.

  • Why are Arsys's Dedicated Servers so secure?

    Their structure and external connectivity speed guarantee the availability of your projects. Furthermore, you can add a series of additional services such as security copies, personalised firewall rules and SSL Certificates to your server, in order to protect your data with 256 bit encryption. All of this makes Arsys's Data Centres among the most secure and efficient in the world.

  • Can I add additional features to my Dedicated Server?

    Everything you need for your project. Among other things, you can enjoy: technical support, storage, a personalised firewall, backups, monitoring, load balancers, IPs, VPNs, etc.

  • What is the 30 days free promotion?

    With this promotion you can enjoy 30 days' use, free of charge, of a panel which you can use to deploy both Dedicated and Cloud Servers.

  • Does Dedicated Server have an activation cost?

    No. Activation is completely free of charge.

  • Is it true that I only pay for what I use?

    Arsys offers a single physical server which combines the advantages of a dedicated server (performance and security) with those of a cloud service (no fixed term contracts and billing based on the time used). At the beginning of each month we'll send you a single invoice for the resources you used the previous month.

  • How is my Dedicated Server billed?

    Monthly, for the period of time during which the control panel was active over that month. In terms of the method of payment, you can choose the payment method which best suits your needs: direct debit or credit card. Remember that you can change from one method to another in your Client Area at any time.

  • Is there a fixed term contract period?

    There is no fixed term contract period. You can de-activate your Dedicated Server from your control panel (leaving the panel empty means that you will not generate any more costs) and you can de-activate your control panel from the client area as long as there is no server deployed on it.

  • What is the billing period for my Dedicated Server?

    Always monthly for the previous month.

  • Do I have complete control over what I will be charged at the end of the month?

    Of course. In the Control Panel there is a billing section and a usage section which you can use at any time to check the costs generated in that month, the resources that created these costs and you can view an estimate of the total for the current month. There is also a section for displaying invoices issued in the past, with their respective breakdowns of your previous usage.

  • Does transfer have any additional costs?

    No. At Arsys data transfer is free, with maximum speed and no additional costs.

  • Is the 24x7 support also included?

    Of course. Arsys's Dedicated Servers include free support. Whenever you require assistance, you can contact our experts by telephone or by email, at any time of day, seven days a week.

  • What are the differences between a VPS and a dedicated server?

    Both are advanced hosting options where the client has root access and can therefore do whatever they want on the server - install any operating system, programs, libraries etc. So it is necessary to have some technical knowledge of system administration.

    The fundamental difference is that a VPS is a virtual machine, while a dedicated server is a physical machine. You can check our post to find out when it is more advisable to use a dedicated server or a VPS.

  • What are the main differences between a cloud server and a dedicated server?

    Dedicated servers are a physical machine with specific hardware, used exclusively by one client and physically hosted in a data centre. When you sign up you will be able to choose the type of hardware, the processor, the amount of memory, the capacity, and type of disks.

    Cloud servers, on the other hand, are powered by virtualisation technology that provisions resources from a pool of computing capacity. So you can choose a number of initial features, and whenever your project requires it, you can add or remove resources without the service becoming unavailable.

    Deciding between the suitability of a cloud server or a dedicated server for your project is closely related to the application you want to deploy. It is therefore necessary to study each project in depth (processing needs, user behaviour, growth expectations, etc.) in order to choose the most appropriate option.

    The main features of cloud and dedicated servers that you should consider include:

    • Pay-as-you-go: At Arsys, both Cloud Servers and Dedicated Servers are based on pay-per-use. This means that you will only be charged for the machine usage time. Although this aspect will not help you decide between the two models, it is a very important feature when comparing services between various providers, as most of them charge for transfer, access to the disk etc., which can lead to surprises in the final invoice.
    • Scalability: The main advantage of cloud servers is their scalability and flexibility. The resources of virtual machines can vary over time and therefore allow for better cost control, thanks to the possibility of sizing the servers according to the applications’ needs at any given time. In the case of dedicated hosting, sizing resources can be more complicated and involves knowing the exact needs of your project to avoid falling short.
    • Performance: Although cloud and dedicated servers are becoming increasingly similar in terms of performance, in some very demanding applications and environments - such as those based on SAP HANA, or those that require intensive calculations (Business Intelligence applications, IoT, Big Data, etc.), it may be advisable to opt for a dedicated server.
    • Hardware fault tolerance: Thanks to virtualisation, cloud servers are completely tolerant of hardware failures, as in the event of a problem, machines are replicated in a matter of seconds, without us having to intervene. Dedicated servers, on the other hand, depend on the proper functioning of their hardware, so if any component fails, it is possible that the machine will be affected. All our Dedicated Servers are Raid 1, which guarantees high security of stored data and maximum tolerance to mechanical failures.
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