Web and data base backup

With Web Backup you can schedule backups to keep your data safe at all times.
3 months Free
Backup Web Web Backup Web Backup Web Backup
5 GB 3 meses Gratis 3 months Free 3 meses Grátis 3 mois Gratuits después after depois après 3€/mes/month/mês/mois
10 GB 5€/mes/month/mês/mois
30 GB 12€/mes/month/mês/mois
60 GB 16€/mes/month/mês/mois
100 GB 25€/mes/month/mês/mois
  • Copies of unlimited websites and databases, we only charge for the contracted space
  • Monitoring the availability of your website and integration with Google Safe browsing
  • Option to exclude folders or files from backups
  • Access to backups from any device, anywhere
  • Disaster recovery
  • Viewing modififed files
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Web Backup

Why is it important to have backups?

Have you ever deleted a file from your website by mistake? Have you ever had problems with inactivity on your site? Have you ever lost your entire site due to a vulnerability problem?

Such scenarios occur far more frequently than often imagined, and the resulting consequences are serious.

Having a backup copy that you can restore in seconds can be a great advantage in the event of any such incident.

There are also technical problems (PHP version changes, CMS updates, plugin incompatibility, etc.). Having a backup copy allows you to roll-back to the version as it was, prior to the change.

Finally, having a backup copy of your website and databases can be very useful for legal matters, for example keeping a record of order information in your ecommerce that may need to be recovered in the event of a claim.

Web page and database backups made easy

With our backup service, you will be protected against any eventuality.

  • Easy and automatic

    You can program your backups for a specific time or schedule them to occur at set intervals: daily, bi-weekly, weekly and monthly.

  • From any device, anywhere

    Your data will always be safe and available for you to restore. You will be able to access your backup history in order to monitor or restore the version you are interested in, if necessary.

  • Powerful and flexible

    Monitor your website, scan for malware and create backup copies. All with the peace of mind of having total control and the flexibility to adapt to any unexpected situation. Whenever you need to, you can change the backup space for your websites and databases.

Web Backup, more than just backups

In addition to backing up your website and databases, our Web Backup service offers you the possibility of monitoring whether your site is online and monitoring blacklists.

  • Website monitoring

    You will receive instant alerts if your data encounters any issues, such as website interruption, hacking, database crashes, compromised data on your website and/or database backups, server or network interruption, etc.
  • Blacklist monitoring

    In this day and age, if your website does not appear to users, not only could you lose money, but your website could be blacklisted by Google because of hackers.
¿Qué piensan nuestros clientes?
What do our customers think?
Que pensent nos clients?
O que pensam os nossos clientes?
GreatBienBomMuy Bueno
4.1 / 5 at Trustpilot sur Trustpilot em Trustpilot en Trustpilot
  • Rapidez e inmediatez en todo el procesoRapidez e inmediatez en todo el procesoMarcas Apps28/03/2025
  • Buena atención al clienteBuena atención al cliente Jorge D27/03/2025
  • Te atienden personas!Te atienden personas! J V Rosado27/03/2025
  • Arsys. Servicio perfecto en InternetDesde hace muchos años soy cliente profesional de Arsys. La perfecta atención que nos dan en todos y cada uno de sus departamentos, comercial, técnico, facturación, etc y la simplicidad al máximo de los productos en la plataforma de acceso nos hace aconsejar la contratación de sus servicios. Son los mejores en España. Marco Antonio González25/03/2025
  • ExcelenteExcelente, completa y eficaz información. Desafortunadamente se cortó la transmisión al final cuando estaban pasando información importante. Muchas gracias. Bendiciones y Exitos.Henry Ibarra Pino25/03/2025
  • Buenas experiencia apoyos y ayudasBuenas experiencia apoyos y ayudasQuini F A21/03/2025
  • amplia gama de productos y serviciosamplia gama de productos y servicios, muy buena atención telefónica.lluis20/03/2025
  • Llevo 10 años con Arsys y siempre me…Llevo 10 años con Arsys y siempre me han atendido de manera excelente en soporte técnico. Es empresa española lo cual me transmite confiabilidad. Ofrece la máxima calidad en sus productos.nuevo cliente19/03/2025
  • Arsys: Modelo de servicio y amabilidadArsys es un modelo de servicio impecable a cualquier hora, cualquier dia y siempre con amabilidadALFONSO16/03/2025
  • Información clara y útilInformación clara y útil. GraciasJeanelie Urbina13/03/2025
  • Inspiración y aplicabilidadUna vez más la información recibida es, además de experta y candente, muy inspiradora y de aplicación.M&E Excelencia Mutua13/03/2025
  • Serios y profesionalesSiempre que necesito su atención y servicios recibo un trato muy profesional. La paciencia y amabilidad es uno de sus activos mas valiosos. yo10/03/2025
  • ProfesionalesProfesionales, Atentos, pacientes un 10JM SEVILLA08/03/2025
  • Gran explicación del storytellingMuy interesante. Es el mejor webinar que ha dado Chus Catalina de los que yo he visto Sólo falta que ahora la IA hace muchas de las cosas que ha contado. Juan Jiménez - Hapana Matata06/03/2025
  • Atención al Cliente de 10!Atención al Cliente de 10 me ayudaron en todas mis dudas.Ana05/03/2025
  • Atención al cliente muy buenaTienen servicio de atención al cliente muy, muy bueno. Tanto por email como telefónico. juan angel larumbe04/03/2025
  • Client depuis de nombreuses année…Client depuis de nombreuses année également chez arsys.fr et maintenant arsys.es, la migration a été trés facilement réalisée grace au service support qui nous a apporté leur aide la plus complète.Dominique20/02/2025
  • Cumple con nuestras espectativasCumple con nuestras espectativasAntonio Oliva11/02/2025
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  • atencio i eficaciaatencio i eficacia Andreu08/02/2025
Do you want us to call you?

Complete this form and we will call you without obligation. You can also contact us by email.

  • 365 days 24 hours Because we know that your project doesn't have to wait, our experts are always available to help you.
  • In-house Call Center More than 400 people, passionate about technology and with continuous training, dedicated exclusively to solve your doubts and queries.
  • Continuous training We work hard to keep our agents informed of the latest technology to provide you with the highest quality in our responses.
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Frequently asked questions about Web Backup

  • What happens after the 3 free months?

    This promotion will allow you to learn how Web Backup works. If after the 3 free months you do not wish to continue with the service, you just have to cancel it. Before the end of the free period, we will send you an email alert so that you can cancel your membership if you wish to do so. There is no permanent commitment.

  • What backups does Web Backup allow me to make?

    You will be able to create backup copies of the websites and/or databases that you specify. You only need to specify the connection details of each of these websites or databases, the frequency with which you want them to be backed up and indicate what you want to back up.

    You can use Web Backup with our Hosting plans or with those of another provider. In the latter case, you will need connection data such as ftp address, username and password.

  • Can I make backup copies of websites that are not on Arsys hosting?

    Your website can be stored wherever you want: at Arsys, on a shared hosting, on a server, on another provider... All you need is access to the FTP and the database.

  • What if I can't remember the database password?

    If you change it, this may create problems. The easiest thing to do is to create a new user with a new password and use that one. Nothing happens to the database password.

  • If there is a file or folder that I do not want to back up, can I exclude it?

    Yes. You just have to:

    1. list the name of that file or folder in the exclusion list when creating your backup.
    2. click on edit connections for the website you are backing up.
    3. add your file or folder there.
  • Can I make a backup copy of any database?

    With Backup Web you can make backup copies of the most prestigious brands on the market: MySQL, Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL and MongoDB.

  • How many websites can I back up with Backup Web?

    As many websites or databases as you want. The only limit is the space quota. When you reach the space quota, backups will stop but you will still have access to what you have already backed up.

  • Can I control how often backups are made?

    You will be able to indicate how often you want backups to be made for each website. You can also schedule a daily, weekly or monthly backup. Finally, you can schedule backups by choosing the time and day on which you want them to take place. In addition, you can change the schedule of your backups at any time you need to.

  • What happens to the backups if I cancel Backup Web?

    Once you have unsubscribed from the service, you will no longer be able to access your backups.

  • Who has access to my backups?

    Only you, through your account, will be able to access your backups.

  • What is the website monitoring and blacklisting tool for?

    For receiving instant alerts if your data encounters any issues, such as website interruption, hacking, database crashes, compromised data on your website and/or database backups, etc. This will give you time to resolve any issues before they become major problems.

    On the other hand, you can also monitor the activity time of your website in the event of a server or network interruption; from anywhere via web or mobile.

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