Create your domain resale and hosting business

WHMCS is the software that allows you to create an online shop and manage your services easily.

Install WHMCS on your server with Plesk

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WHMCS, the task automation tool for web resellers

WHMCS is a software solution that provides you with tools to automate the resale of hosting services and domains. Through its administrative platform, you can manage services and customers with everything you need to become a web reseller:

  • Resell hosting products, Arsys domains and other services such as VPN, SSL...

  • With CRM, you can manage: orders, customers, purchase orders, invoices, ticket system, product configuration, contacts...

  • Set up your online shop to sell your services and make a profit.

What do I need to start reselling domains and hosting with WHMCS?

Don't have a server to install WHCMS? We recommend:

High performance VPS server with Cloud technology. The cheapest way to start your Plesk project
30 days free
then €11/month
Try it now
  • 2 vCores
  • 4 GB RAM
  • 80 GB SSD
  • 400 Mbps
  • Unlimited domains
  • Perimeter firewall
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Que disent nos clients?
O que dizem os nossos clientes?
GreatBienBomMuy Bueno
4.1 / 5 atchezemen Trustpilot

What you can do with the Arsys plugin for WHCMS

We offer you a plugin that allows you to connect WHMCS with our domain reselling tool, Multidomain Management, to resell our domains, benefit from special prices and manage your domains:

  • Domain registration
  • Transfer of domains
  • Renewal management
  • Domain cancellation
  • Obtain domain information
  • Managing nameservers

What features will you find in WHMCS?

  • Resale of hosting and domains:

    including product management, price configuration and full procurement automation.

  • Integration with third-party services:

    so that, in addition to domains, you can resell additional services, such as VPN, SSL certificates or website builders.

  • Billing:

    you will have a CRM for customer management, generation and management of invoices and collection automation.

  • Ticket System:

    so that your clients can raise queries and you can manage them until they are resolved.

  • Integration with Plesk and cPanel:

    so you can sell Hosting products with these panels and manage their infrastructure.

  • Payment gateways:

    such as PayPal or Stripe.

Learn more about WHMCS in our video

Nacho Fernández from Arsys Business Development and Daniel Ruiz from Escuela IT explain in detail what WHMCS is and how it can help you to resell domain or other hosting services. In addition, they show you what the WHMCS panel looks like so you can see all its features and how easy it is to use. Finally, if you are interested, you will see how to install it step by step.



¿Qué piensan nuestros clientes?
What do our customers think?
Que pensent nos clients?
O que pensam os nossos clientes?
GreatBienBomMuy Bueno
4.1 / 5 at Trustpilot sur Trustpilot em Trustpilot en Trustpilot
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  • Buena atención al clienteBuena atención al cliente Jorge D27/03/2025
  • Te atienden personas!Te atienden personas! J V Rosado27/03/2025
  • Arsys. Servicio perfecto en InternetDesde hace muchos años soy cliente profesional de Arsys. La perfecta atención que nos dan en todos y cada uno de sus departamentos, comercial, técnico, facturación, etc y la simplicidad al máximo de los productos en la plataforma de acceso nos hace aconsejar la contratación de sus servicios. Son los mejores en España. Marco Antonio González25/03/2025
  • ExcelenteExcelente, completa y eficaz información. Desafortunadamente se cortó la transmisión al final cuando estaban pasando información importante. Muchas gracias. Bendiciones y Exitos.Henry Ibarra Pino25/03/2025
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  • Inspiración y aplicabilidadUna vez más la información recibida es, además de experta y candente, muy inspiradora y de aplicación.M&E Excelencia Mutua13/03/2025
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  • ProfesionalesProfesionales, Atentos, pacientes un 10JM SEVILLA08/03/2025
  • Gran explicación del storytellingMuy interesante. Es el mejor webinar que ha dado Chus Catalina de los que yo he visto Sólo falta que ahora la IA hace muchas de las cosas que ha contado. Juan Jiménez - Hapana Matata06/03/2025
  • Atención al Cliente de 10!Atención al Cliente de 10 me ayudaron en todas mis dudas.Ana05/03/2025
  • Atención al cliente muy buenaTienen servicio de atención al cliente muy, muy bueno. Tanto por email como telefónico. juan angel larumbe04/03/2025
  • Client depuis de nombreuses année…Client depuis de nombreuses année également chez arsys.fr et maintenant arsys.es, la migration a été trés facilement réalisée grace au service support qui nous a apporté leur aide la plus complète.Dominique20/02/2025
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  • 365 days 24 hours Because we know that your project doesn't have to wait, our experts are always available to help you.
  • In-house Call Center More than 400 people, passionate about technology and with continuous training, dedicated exclusively to solve your doubts and queries.
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Frequently Asked Questions about Servers with WHMCS

  • What is WHMCS?

    This is the platform used by web hosting and domain resellers to manage their services and customers in an automated way. Thanks to this service automation system, administrators do not have to perform manual activations. This greatly simplifies all management processes.

  • Why install WHMCS on Plesk servers?

    WHMCS is a module that you can install on any server. However, we recommend that you install it on a Plesk server for 2 reasons:

    • It will make it easier for you to manage the server and the website.
    • Plesk integrates directly with WHMCS, so you can perform certain server management actions from the WHMCS console itself or resell hosting on additional servers with Plesk.
  • What are the advantages of Arsys Multidomain Management?

    Arsys Multidomain Management is a service with which you can access special prices and discounts for domain resellers. It also offers you a control panel from which you can easily manage all your domains.

  • What technical requirements does WHMCS have?

    We recommend installing WHMCS on a Plesk server as it simplifies server management and Addon installation. You can consult the system requirements and the environment in which it will be deployed as defined by WHMCS. In addition, it is advisable to validate that the PHP configuration conforms to the requirements.

  • Where can I purchase a WHMCS licence?

    You can purchase the WHMCS licence from their website and install it on our servers. The advantage of licensing WHMCS directly is that it gives you access to their support team, who will be able to answer all your questions about the integration and use of the product. They also offer additional services such as start-up and initial configuration of your project.

  • How much does WHMCS cost?

    This software is available in various packages, depending on the number of clients, so you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

  • Which applications can I resell from WHMCS?

    WHMCS is integrated with numerous third party applications that you can resell directly by configuring a new product in WHMCS with a few clicks. You can see the available applications in the WHMCS marketplace.

  • Where can I learn about WHMCS?

    WHMCS offers configuration wizards and context-sensitive help in the application itself. In addition, there is a lot of documentation available on the configuration and use of WHMCS. If you want to learn how to use it, we recommend the following pages:

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