Arsys Lab
The company's Innovation Plan for the 2022-24 period contemplates the creation of Arsys Lab, a multidisciplinary team in charge of assessing the implementation of new technological trends to offer the most advanced services, through research and development of pilot projects and proofs of concept. Currently, the following lines of work are being carried out:
- Execution of pilot projects with other companies to validate their technologies in Arsys environments and analyze the feasibility of development, in the following areas:
- Blockchain: integration of the concepts of decentralization, traceability of services, smart contracts and digital identity in order to monitor and certify SLAs for clients.
- Data Spaces: creation of reliable environments to share data securely within the framework of digital sovereignty, within the European initiatives Gaia-X and the International Data Space Association.
- IoT: creation of new administration panels for the management of connected devices and the creation of personalized services for different industrial sectors (tourism, logistics, mobility, etc.).
- Continuous multicloud-edge : facilitate a simplified management of all storage and computing infrastructures through the interoperability of resources and applications and the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques.
- Beta tests with clients to facilitate the implementation in tests of technologies applied to their businesses.
- Development of the innovation ecosystem in collaboration with universities, technology centers, startups and other agents.
R+D+i projects
Arsys has extensive experience in participating in R+D+i projects at a national and European level. Below we show you the most outstanding projects developed in recent years.
European projects:
8ra. We are building the European Cloud of the future.
Arsys is one of the three direct Spanish participants in the European 8ra project, also known as IPCEI-CIS (acronym for Important Project of Common European Interest on Cloud Services and Infrastructures). This innovation project develops a new generation of cloud and edge solutions to strengthen the competitiveness of European companies in the global market.
AC3 (Horizon Europe, 2023-26). Agile and Cognitive Cloud edge Continuum management.
The project investigates new ways to offer applications that, using Machine Learning and other areas of Artificial Intelligence, serve to offer cloud and edge platforms that can interoperate between different providers, facilitating deployments in a framework of trust and security for users. clients.
DECIDE (H2020, 2016-19): DEvOps for trusted, portable and interoperable Multi-Cloud applications towards the Digital single market.
The goal of this program was to provide a new framework for service-based multi-cloud software, facilitating the creation of techniques and mechanisms to dynamically design, develop and deploy multi-cloud applications in an ecosystem of trusted cloud services, interoperable and legally secure. This framework was validated through different use cases that can be scaled to more complex applications with more microservices.
TREDISEC (H2020, 2015-18): Trust-aware, REliable and Distributed Information Security in the Cloud.
The project addressed security and privacy issues by analyzing, designing, and implementing a set of 25 cloud security primitives that integrate naturally with cloud capabilities and functionality. These primitives address different combinations of security levels and functional and non-functional cloud requirements, including: data integrity with verifiability and availability, confidentiality and efficiency, and secure and efficient data processing. The project released a unified framework to enable efficient integration of security primitives without incurring additional processing and storage costs for cloud providers and users.
Gaia-X. Fostering trust for the creation of data spaces that stimulate growth, innovation and competitiveness.
Arsys, through the IONOS Group, is a member of Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud AISBL, and as part of its contribution to this European project, operates a node of the GXDCH (Gaia-X Digital Clearing House), the service that provides the necessary functionality to verify compliance with the rules set by the initiative.
In addition, Arsys is a member and part of the promoter group of the Spanish hub of this project, the Gaia-X Spain Association, participating in its various initiatives to develop the Data Economy in Spain and promote data spaces in strategic sectors, as determined in the Digital Spain Agenda, the roadmap for the Digital Transformation of the country.
NGI TrustChain.
Project to promote the use of Data Spaces in retail and popularize e-wallet solutions among individual users before the European Digital Identity service comes into effect.
National and regional projects:
The following innovation projects have been co-financed with public aid for business R&D&I with national and European funds, through the ERDF Operational Programme of La Rioja (2014-2020) whose priority axis is the promotion of business investment in R&D and support to companies for the development of R&D&I activities.
The aid that ADER and FEDER offer with these innovation support programmes has an impact on the investment capacity dedicated to R&D&I work. In this way, at Arsys we can increase the number of resources dedicated to these tasks and identify future initiatives.
SELMER Project (2023).
It is aimed at developing tools that allow clients to boost their businesses on the Internet, minimizing the costs associated with their start-up and maintenance, accompanying them in the current complex economic situation.
ARISE Project (2022).
Its objective is to reinforce those services and platforms that currently offer more valuable solutions for Arsys clients, whose technological needs have changed due to the situation generated by COVID-19.
ARCO Project (2021).
It aims to respond to the new demands for cloud services in the market and advance in the improvement of internal processes to achieve a fast and efficient delivery of solutions.
MUSE Project (2020).
Focused on developing new services that increase the security of our clients' data, developing products that allow the application of computer learning techniques and developing new functionalities for Cloud services at Arsys.
NEXO Project (2019).
The goal is to improve both technology and infrastructure, launch new products to the market and integrate new functionalities into Arsys cloud platforms.
Development of IoT Cloud platform with FIWARE technology (2018).
An infrastructure based on FIWARE (European standard) was deployed on the Arsys cloud to explore the possibilities of adding IoT services from own panels to all clients, analyzing use cases from various sectors, as well as the main characteristics and technologies for its exploitation.
ZWANZIG Project (2017).
It made it possible to launch new applications in SaaS mode within shared hosting platforms and infrastructures, as well as to continue evolving Cloud technology with new functionalities and modes of operation.
Data centers in Spain, Germany, the United Kingdom, France and the United States with the latest technological advances in physical and logical security, air conditioning and electricity supply to guarantee maximum availability and maximum energy efficiency
Among these infrastructures, the company's main Data Center stands out, inaugurated in 2009 and located in Spain. This Data Center occupies a total area of 6,000 m2, distributed between space for servers (technical rooms), availability systems (power supply, air conditioning, connectivity, logical security, monitoring...) and logistics (storage , shipping and receiving merchandise...). The technical floor available for servers reaches 1,000 m2 in four independent technical rooms, 250 m2 each, with a maximum capacity of more than 20,000 physical servers.
This modular design allows a progressive growth of the raised floor for servers and availability systems, adapting the infrastructure to the needs of the clients. This modularity allows the servers to be installed with different security and availability configurations, adapting to the levels required by each client for their Internet project.
These facilities have 6 MW of power and achieve maximum energy sustainability thanks to the innovations implemented, with an average annual PUE (Power Usage Effectiveness) of 1.25 and a WUE (Water-Use Efficiency) below 0, 16 l/kWh thanks to high-performance and efficient water conditioning systems.
Our team monitors the status of the servers 24/7 with more than 1,200 indicators on services, communication lines, air conditioning, etc. which allows the activation of the necessary protocols in case of incidents of any kind: electrical, computer, excess traffic, perimeter security, intrusion detection systems...
Our Logroño Data Center has the Tier III certification granted by the North American institution Uptime Institute. This endorsement guarantees that our infrastructure is capable of offering 99.982% availability.